District Map
This map represents the current boundaries of the legislative district.
Susquehanna County
- Apolacon Township
- Ararat Township
- Auburn Township
- Bridgewater Township
- Brooklyn Township
- Choconut Township
- Clifford Township
- Dimock Township
- Forest City Borough
- Forest Lake Township
- Franklin Township
- Friendsville Borough
- Gibson Township
- Great Bend Borough
- Great Bend Township
- Hallstead Borough
- Harford Township
- Harmony Township
- Herrick Township
- Hop Bottom Borough
- Jackson Township
- Jessup Township
- Lanesboro Borough
- Lathrop Township
- Lenox Township
- Liberty Township
- Little Meadows Borough
- Middletown Township
- Montrose Borough
- New Milford Borough
- New Milford Township
- Oakland Borough
- Oakland Township
- Rush Township
- Silver Lake Township
- Springville Township
- Susquehanna Borough
- Thompson Borough
- Thompson Township
- Union Dale Borough
Wayne County
- Berlin Township
- Bethany Borough
- Buckingham Township
- Canaan Township
- Clinton Township
- Damascus Township
- Dyberry Township
- Honesdale Borough
- Lebanon Township
- Manchester Township
- Mount Pleasant Township
- Oregon Township
- Preston Township
- Prompton Borough
- Scott Township
- Starrucca Borough
- Texas Township
- Waymart Borough
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